That's what my tee says!
Anniversary gift from Baby.
Love it.
Thanks Sweetest!
He had the same one too.
From Graniph.
And even asked me to wear the same one
when we're out?
And what did I give him?
Something extremely simple...
Forgot to capture it,
it's fer ya to find out.
Went out with Baby on the 8th Jan,
celebrated our early anniversary,
supposingly falls on the day next.
Accompanied him fer interview,
while I did manicure.
Can't stand it when my nails are looking
too untidy.
Wanted to catch a movie after that.
Initially, wanted to book a small room,
to catch DVDs @ Cineleisure,
but we still gotta wait.
And Le Grand Chef isn't on screens yet,
so decided to past our time with,
I Am Legend.
A restless movie,
and somehow rather long-winded I say.
Exactly like what his friend say
when he told him that we caught that movie,
Because it's Will Smith, then the movie will be watched.
If it's some other actors we have not heard before,
probably we would give it a miss.
Hell, yeahh.
I would have not be interested then.
Headed to meet Jeremy and his gf @ Suntec,
headed to Chinatown fer Kbox.
Joined by Aloysius later that night.
I was totally tired after the end of the day!
Aloysius, being the dearie one
(First time am saying something nice about him!),
sent me
(I stay in JURONG, he stays at SERANGOON?!),
then Baby back home.
So imagine the trip from Chinatown,
to Jurong,
then back to central.
Am pretty shy to say.
once i hit the sacks.
Woke up only about 3pm,
by Baby's call!
See how tired I am,
despite trying to wake up early,
and I hit the pillows again
.The one who loves the shoots.
Browsing blogs,
seeing girls with long hair.
Arranging the pictures in my laptop,
looking at the older ones,
and reached a point when my hair was long.
It's been long since 18,
kept it there and longer till last yr.
Come to think,
I miss my long hair.
Despite the hassle to maintain it,
and such.
Yet I wanna go fer a change.
Rebond and curl I've done.
Kinda bored of it.
Just let me rant here right now k!
Though I love this concave,
I miss my long hair la!
until my waist!
Miss those locks.
my hair grows really fast,
it takes long for me to keep it to that length.
Am afraid due to "hand itchiness",
cut it again when it grows longer....
my hair grows really fast,
it takes long for me to keep it to that length.
Am afraid due to "hand itchiness",
cut it again when it grows longer....
Ok nvm,
I love my hair right now!
Have a great weekends y'all!
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