Soon, no worries.
Just waiting for the rest of the pics
so i could just send them out here at one time~
Something made me more than estatic for no reason this noon.
Check in portal,
hmt group project results.
Though i know of the rsults already,
that gave me a shock when i saw the result in portal!
For no apparent reason.
I thought prolly some moderation?
Yeah dream on.
Called the rest and they were shocked.
So Feline checked hers out.
Showed CR, the rest too.
Conclusion lies, keyed in wrong results la!
So called up the office,
and informed them.
Yeah, trying to be honest here.
But i don;t think i deserved the DISTINCTION
Credit would be good enough.
Hard work goes to Janet and Emi.
Feline and I concentrated on another module group project
(which the results yet to be out).
Splitted the work because we're lack of time,
due to the EP project
(Remember those whinings in my blog?).
I'm happy still!
Thus, this showed, human error lies.
But results are very impt to one.
I guess am just too reliant on the portal to show the results too!
That taught be a lesson
Anyway good job girls!
You're good!
Hahahaha =D
Yep, mj-ed just now.
And now,
Work tmr!
And apparently was bored yesterday,
so . . .
Pardon for that nerd look.
I don't wear glasses.
Just trying to match on the atmosphere
of that studious look.
The specs look fam huh (Nerdtional Party) !
X, you'll be famous!!!
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