Rainy & Sunny
These days,
just made my headache gets from bad to worse.
The warm and cool,
expand and contract,
causing the use of my brain,
unable to even think properly.
Anyway as promised.
Pictures come.
Meet up with then budds on sunday.
Was pretty bored the other day.
So decided to dress ginger up!
Muahaha, pardon me.
And it's not easy to get her to comply
with what i wanna snap!
Now i know how hard izzit to be a pet photographer.
Met up with delp, ann, and kel
@ Douby Ghaut TCC.
Yep, there!
Nice lunch though.
More pictures to come on that! =)
And of course,
nothing beats having to be "not-vain,"
Wanting to get these off the shelves!
Please do.
Click on the image to get directed.
Almost 4got i've got work today!
Till then.

Thursday, November 30, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Seemed like every lil thing is spoilt in my house.
Last week,
one part of the kitchen floor kinda burst!
So, the tiles cracked.
Not 1 tile, but like about more than 10 tiles?
Yesterday, my room light blowed.
Bro helped me fixed,
and realised, the wired melted!
Having the usual cramps,
and luckily not gastric.
These few days been missing lunch,
and had super late dinner.
Not that i wanted to!
And not on diet.
I think if i did,
i'll be skinned alive by alot of peeps out there!
I need to catch alot of flicks these days!
In terms of in theaters (I wanna catch STEP UP plz!),
and rent some DVDs home to kill some time.
Too bored.
Don't ask me why didn't source for another job.
Can't these ppl just reply the position's filled or what?!
And so no more bangkok trip next month yet,
becoz it's pretty exp,
and i heard it's the raining season over there too?
Hah! Or to console myself!
Still, this meant i can save more $$ for the any trips next year!
Taiwan, Hongkong, Bangkok, Italy, Rome,
and i wanna be back to Australia again!
This makes a 100% degree burnt in my pocket!
Can't wait for the volunteery work intro by Ps,
which falls on 17th Dec,
the duck tour,
bringing lil kids ard!
And i'm looking forward to the countdown New Year Party,
with my buddies!
Already booked a chalet for the 30th Dec to 1st Jan!
Some cold joke,
to top up with.
- -
Ants are hard working creatures.
Day and night,
"carrying" their loads
from destination to the next.
And what happens next?
Ans: They are being stepped on!
- -
I need a rise of temperature here!
And being so free i tried something.
Seemed like it makes no difference on me.
Ermmz . .
Go figure out within these 2 pics.
Time Check.
Need to wake early to send sis to school!
Till then!
Seemed like every lil thing is spoilt in my house.
Last week,
one part of the kitchen floor kinda burst!
So, the tiles cracked.
Not 1 tile, but like about more than 10 tiles?
Yesterday, my room light blowed.
Bro helped me fixed,
and realised, the wired melted!
Having the usual cramps,
and luckily not gastric.
These few days been missing lunch,
and had super late dinner.
Not that i wanted to!
And not on diet.
I think if i did,
i'll be skinned alive by alot of peeps out there!
I need to catch alot of flicks these days!
In terms of in theaters (I wanna catch STEP UP plz!),
and rent some DVDs home to kill some time.
Too bored.
Don't ask me why didn't source for another job.
Can't these ppl just reply the position's filled or what?!
And so no more bangkok trip next month yet,
becoz it's pretty exp,
and i heard it's the raining season over there too?
Hah! Or to console myself!
Still, this meant i can save more $$ for the any trips next year!
Taiwan, Hongkong, Bangkok, Italy, Rome,
and i wanna be back to Australia again!
This makes a 100% degree burnt in my pocket!
Can't wait for the volunteery work intro by Ps,
which falls on 17th Dec,
the duck tour,
bringing lil kids ard!
And i'm looking forward to the countdown New Year Party,
with my buddies!
Already booked a chalet for the 30th Dec to 1st Jan!
Some cold joke,
to top up with.
- -
Ants are hard working creatures.
Day and night,
"carrying" their loads
from destination to the next.
And what happens next?
Ans: They are being stepped on!
- -
I need a rise of temperature here!
And being so free i tried something.
Seemed like it makes no difference on me.
Ermmz . .
Go figure out within these 2 pics.
Time Check.
Need to wake early to send sis to school!
Till then!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Post Exams Syndrome.
Yep, and what was that.
BOREDOM i would say.
Almost everyday i've got really nothing much to do.
Just stared at the com,
till i feel sick at times.
Like right now.
But the feeling right now is different!
Becoz blogging does make me spent like
the next half hour thinking of what i should say,
missed nothing out,
on top of that,
took up 10 - 15 mins to edit some pics!
It does say, to blog,
with thought.
Thoughts just start running in,
emotions might rule,
of course, witty at times.
Words desired to be used carefully -
in any case others start mocking.
Nope not trying to be sacastic about
having to use profound words,
perfect languages.
Becoz, there would be some out there,
who has life to waste away,
started critisizing about your language,
and the presentation of how you look.
It seemed so common is blogsphere nowadays.
Now, i may pen this,
could have annoyed some ppl.
But i would get annoyed at your comments instead!
Remember the peanut-sized brain?
Yep, that "whoever" indeed should swallow that lesson.
Even he/she did not,
that so very ugly of you, typically.
Maybe i look just weak,
so "whoever" can bully me.
As i say, never step on my tail,
it takes 2 times to know who i am.
I may not seem angry,
i do have limits to the call.
And now, a new thing came.
Infringing other's thoughts?!
Wow, may sounds new to you,
hell yeah.
My buddy was the victim.
Just someone who stole her 'thoughts',
and make it their own thoughts?
Such shameless thing,
how would one not know.
Even with regards of changing blogs,
again blog hopping,
again 'stealing'.
I wouldn't say the 'thought stealer' was wrong,
neither is she right.
Becoz, this, only she knows the truth.
And that leaves me not to sound the black and white.
Imagine if you, someone who blogs maybe painstakenly,
with lots of emotions,
and your penned thoughts got stolen innocently?
That you figure out.
And of course,
not to leave out something!
17th Nov
Only just a few girls went out for some chilling and games @ Mind Cafe (Prinsep)
18th Nov
Finally, the long awaited gathering.
Yep, still in contact @ times.
So, i guess there could have 1 more i guess?
Haha, oOps.
Some time ago
Buddies -
We haven't been chilling and shopping, see ya this sunday! =)
SE girls -
Donkey years haven't meet up!
Shall see ya girls once Helen's exams end! =D
Polymates -
Though see ya'll like few days ago.
Still missed all lots!
No full strenght attendance on that day mah.
Wasabiz -
Hopefully full strength ya!
Lifang -
Dunno if you see this,
but thanks alot for everything! =)
Sharon -
Please get well soon ya!
Those whom i missed out -
You're all missed dearly!
* * * *
On the emotional note,
my grandpa's sister passed away peacefully yesterday,
20th Nov.
98 years old, coming 99,
a big bonus for her.
May she RIP,
and she'll be dearly missed by all.
She's one of the nicest lady i met,
though we're not very close.
I respected her for her strength,
which lived her healthy all these years.
May all close ones not be sad,
she has given the life of yours,
a smile to your face.
She lived till that day,
meant her heart is set at rest.
Just like my grandma.
When all of us have grown,
and my cousin has grown older,
she know, it was time.
I miss them,
"Ma-ma", "Ye-ye" & "Gu-po".
Yep, and what was that.
BOREDOM i would say.
Almost everyday i've got really nothing much to do.
Just stared at the com,
till i feel sick at times.
Like right now.
But the feeling right now is different!
Becoz blogging does make me spent like
the next half hour thinking of what i should say,
missed nothing out,
on top of that,
took up 10 - 15 mins to edit some pics!
It does say, to blog,
with thought.
Thoughts just start running in,
emotions might rule,
of course, witty at times.
Words desired to be used carefully -
in any case others start mocking.
Nope not trying to be sacastic about
having to use profound words,
perfect languages.
Becoz, there would be some out there,
who has life to waste away,
started critisizing about your language,
and the presentation of how you look.
It seemed so common is blogsphere nowadays.
Now, i may pen this,
could have annoyed some ppl.
But i would get annoyed at your comments instead!
Remember the peanut-sized brain?
Yep, that "whoever" indeed should swallow that lesson.
Even he/she did not,
that so very ugly of you, typically.
Maybe i look just weak,
so "whoever" can bully me.
As i say, never step on my tail,
it takes 2 times to know who i am.
I may not seem angry,
i do have limits to the call.
And now, a new thing came.
Infringing other's thoughts?!
Wow, may sounds new to you,
hell yeah.
My buddy was the victim.
Just someone who stole her 'thoughts',
and make it their own thoughts?
Such shameless thing,
how would one not know.
Even with regards of changing blogs,
again blog hopping,
again 'stealing'.
I wouldn't say the 'thought stealer' was wrong,
neither is she right.
Becoz, this, only she knows the truth.
And that leaves me not to sound the black and white.
Imagine if you, someone who blogs maybe painstakenly,
with lots of emotions,
and your penned thoughts got stolen innocently?
That you figure out.
And of course,
not to leave out something!
17th Nov
Only just a few girls went out for some chilling and games @ Mind Cafe (Prinsep)
18th Nov
Finally, the long awaited gathering.
Yep, still in contact @ times.
So, i guess there could have 1 more i guess?
Haha, oOps.
Some time ago
Buddies -
We haven't been chilling and shopping, see ya this sunday! =)
SE girls -
Donkey years haven't meet up!
Shall see ya girls once Helen's exams end! =D
Polymates -
Though see ya'll like few days ago.
Still missed all lots!
No full strenght attendance on that day mah.
Wasabiz -
Hopefully full strength ya!
Lifang -
Dunno if you see this,
but thanks alot for everything! =)
Sharon -
Please get well soon ya!
Those whom i missed out -
You're all missed dearly!
* * * *
On the emotional note,
my grandpa's sister passed away peacefully yesterday,
20th Nov.
98 years old, coming 99,
a big bonus for her.
May she RIP,
and she'll be dearly missed by all.
She's one of the nicest lady i met,
though we're not very close.
I respected her for her strength,
which lived her healthy all these years.
May all close ones not be sad,
she has given the life of yours,
a smile to your face.
She lived till that day,
meant her heart is set at rest.
Just like my grandma.
When all of us have grown,
and my cousin has grown older,
she know, it was time.
I miss them,
"Ma-ma", "Ye-ye" & "Gu-po".
Thursday, November 16, 2006
This is how it goes.
Just a happy day for me to work.
As usual did administrative stuff.
Called overdues.
There's this particular cust,
which made e DEEP impression in me.
As in, this impression was a not so-good one!
This brainless one, i called reminded him to return e movies,
which he owed amounting to up to $400+ ?
Yes, irresponsible ain't he?
So, i reminded him,
i was courteous you see.
So i told him instead of paying the $400+,
he can just make e replacement fee @ $40 ?
Then while he listened, finally he said,
"What if i don't return and pay".
Of course i told him i need to ans to the Dept.
Brainless One: "Okay will will ret the disc, but i won't pay!"
Me: . . . (Feeling pissed, and cursing away)
Then i kept reminding him,
he owed us, WE DID NOT.
Thick-skinned, brainless, speaking without thinking.
Do you know we can lodge a police report.
you owed us $ and the disc.
We decided to reduce to you only paying $40 is good enough.
And you speaked to me like i owed you the previous life!
24 years old,
and working i presume.
Talking to me with AN ATTITUDE.
What's $40 to you, cheapstake!
And you're pathetic as it is to have only $6 in you account.
WHoo Hooo!
Talked to you nicely,
and this is what you showed me.
you'll be sorry someday.
Someday you'll shut up.
You think evry proud huh,
not to pay.
I can't wait to see your scared-fear-anxious-face,
when finally complaints are made against you!
See who chicken out 1st,
ALFED ****
(His sir-name was protected, supposingly confidential matters)
Thanks for being such acourteous "customer" to us.
WeDESTEST value you.
We hopenot to serve you like shit better in future!
How pissed could i get!
I was the one being reprimanded.
And this noon i heard a shocking news from my buddy.
In this blogsphere,
yes there is no copyright,
or trademark.
But would it hurt to ask,
to borrow something?
I shall have my buddy to have her words,
before i have my piece - or maybe i shan't?
Just felt a lil for that budd of mind la.
So then,
more dramas ahead!
This is how it goes.
Just a happy day for me to work.
As usual did administrative stuff.
Called overdues.
There's this particular cust,
which made e DEEP impression in me.
As in, this impression was a not so-good one!
This brainless one, i called reminded him to return e movies,
which he owed amounting to up to $400+ ?
Yes, irresponsible ain't he?
So, i reminded him,
i was courteous you see.
So i told him instead of paying the $400+,
he can just make e replacement fee @ $40 ?
Then while he listened, finally he said,
"What if i don't return and pay".
Of course i told him i need to ans to the Dept.
Brainless One: "Okay will will ret the disc, but i won't pay!"
Me: . . . (Feeling pissed, and cursing away)
Then i kept reminding him,
he owed us, WE DID NOT.
Thick-skinned, brainless, speaking without thinking.
Do you know we can lodge a police report.
you owed us $ and the disc.
We decided to reduce to you only paying $40 is good enough.
And you speaked to me like i owed you the previous life!
24 years old,
and working i presume.
Talking to me with AN ATTITUDE.
What's $40 to you, cheapstake!
And you're pathetic as it is to have only $6 in you account.
WHoo Hooo!
Talked to you nicely,
and this is what you showed me.
you'll be sorry someday.
Someday you'll shut up.
You think evry proud huh,
not to pay.
I can't wait to see your scared-fear-anxious-face,
when finally complaints are made against you!
See who chicken out 1st,
ALFED ****
(His sir-name was protected, supposingly confidential matters)
Thanks for being such a
We hope
How pissed could i get!
I was the one being reprimanded.
And this noon i heard a shocking news from my buddy.
In this blogsphere,
yes there is no copyright,
or trademark.
But would it hurt to ask,
to borrow something?
I shall have my buddy to have her words,
before i have my piece - or maybe i shan't?
Just felt a lil for that budd of mind la.
So then,
more dramas ahead!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
And i think i edited ugly!
Dunno wat's e problem with me those few days.
So, whatever.
I just felt wierd.
Coz after everything,
endless projects,
no break and rest b4 everything starts again.
I felt so empty suddenly!
It's a good time for me to rest,
just felt wierd and bored.
I dunno.
Maybe coz things just don't seem to go the same anymore.
Seemed like me sending resumes haven't been successful.
Though am working PT.
It just burnt off few hours of mine.
I need more cash!
Yes, as in MONEY?
And i think i edited ugly!
Dunno wat's e problem with me those few days.
So, whatever.
I just felt wierd.
Coz after everything,
endless projects,
no break and rest b4 everything starts again.
I felt so empty suddenly!
It's a good time for me to rest,
just felt wierd and bored.
I dunno.
Maybe coz things just don't seem to go the same anymore.
Seemed like me sending resumes haven't been successful.
Though am working PT.
It just burnt off few hours of mine.
I need more cash!
Yes, as in MONEY?
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Yep i think i promised you peeps pictures.
Soon, no worries.
Just waiting for the rest of the pics
so i could just send them out here at one time~
Something made me more than estatic for no reason this noon.
Check in portal,
hmt group project results.
Though i know of the rsults already,
that gave me a shock when i saw the result in portal!
For no apparent reason.
I thought prolly some moderation?
Yeah dream on.
Called the rest and they were shocked.
So Feline checked hers out.
Showed CR, the rest too.
Conclusion lies, keyed in wrong results la!
So called up the office,
and informed them.
Yeah, trying to be honest here.
But i don;t think i deserved the DISTINCTION
Credit would be good enough.
Hard work goes to Janet and Emi.
Feline and I concentrated on another module group project
(which the results yet to be out).
Splitted the work because we're lack of time,
due to the EP project
(Remember those whinings in my blog?).
I'm happy still!
Thus, this showed, human error lies.
But results are very impt to one.
I guess am just too reliant on the portal to show the results too!
That taught be a lesson
Anyway good job girls!
You're good!
Hahahaha =D
Yep, mj-ed just now.
And now,
Work tmr!
And apparently was bored yesterday,
so . . .

Pardon for that nerd look.
I don't wear glasses.
Just trying to match on the atmosphere
of that studious look.
The specs look fam huh (Nerdtional Party) !
X, you'll be famous!!!
Soon, no worries.
Just waiting for the rest of the pics
so i could just send them out here at one time~
Something made me more than estatic for no reason this noon.
Check in portal,
hmt group project results.
Though i know of the rsults already,
that gave me a shock when i saw the result in portal!
For no apparent reason.
I thought prolly some moderation?
Yeah dream on.
Called the rest and they were shocked.
So Feline checked hers out.
Showed CR, the rest too.
Conclusion lies, keyed in wrong results la!
So called up the office,
and informed them.
Yeah, trying to be honest here.
But i don;t think i deserved the DISTINCTION
Credit would be good enough.
Hard work goes to Janet and Emi.
Feline and I concentrated on another module group project
(which the results yet to be out).
Splitted the work because we're lack of time,
due to the EP project
(Remember those whinings in my blog?).
I'm happy still!
Thus, this showed, human error lies.
But results are very impt to one.
I guess am just too reliant on the portal to show the results too!
That taught be a lesson
Anyway good job girls!
You're good!
Hahahaha =D
Yep, mj-ed just now.
And now,
Work tmr!
And apparently was bored yesterday,
so . . .
Pardon for that nerd look.
I don't wear glasses.
Just trying to match on the atmosphere
of that studious look.
The specs look fam huh (Nerdtional Party) !
X, you'll be famous!!!
Friday, November 10, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
End of Exams!
Yep finally!
The freedom we all yearned for.
I wonder if i did study hard for the exams this time?
I dunno.
This post might be lengthy,
this time with my words??
A string of activities awaiting. =)
Of course with that reward, i have to work for it.
My part-time job stays as usually.
And shall work another part-time job!
Need more clothes!
I need $$ for holiday trip!
And so straight after my last paper,
stayed over @ ann's place!
Mj and chats.
Despite ann need to work the next day,
she's quite steady.
Played mj with us till 3 plus.
then off to bed, while ange and me chatted?!
See ann's blog for more details.
She might complain you see.
Hmmm :X
Then the next day i was informed that the new computer desk will be here!
And i have this lil corner which i love!
Will decorate on!
I've got loads to do.
Especially tidying my closet.
You wouldn't wanna imagine.
Probably unwashed clothes, unfolded, crumpled?
And i'm gonna bring out the Hi-Fi set.
White elephant for now,
using up space.
My dad will wanna use the
speakers for the living room though.
The current one's spoilt!
Hee hee.
So more space?!
i really must set a date to fix that still.
If not i'll be procastinating!
Hopefully i've got another new closet.
The current one's pretty small
And for some lil wish i made out
1) New mp3 player - Mine spoilt!
2) New wardrope
3) $$ for Taiwan, Hk, Bangkok & Italy(Haha!) trip!
4) New phone - the current samsung can't have the sound and vibration at the same time la!
5) Pass my exams --> EXTREMELY impt!
6) New Clothes
7) New Clothes
8) New Clothes
9) New Clothes
10) New Clothes
Photobucket just got different somehow.
It just can't seem to shrink the the size i want!
So life's good.
Everything could go smoothly.
Ups and downs,
i just take it day by day as usual.
Being praised, or critisized, seemed like the normal issue.
Sadness it comes.
Happiness is what i got.
But . . .
What if one day, i shall be forgotten.
What if one day, i shall lose you.
What if one day, the next day i woke up,
you're not there.
What if one day, it happens like we're strangers.
And What If.
I was asked to hold on.
And if anything happens.
I shall be your memory.
I shall be the one who will trigger those thoughts.
I shall be the one who will guide you,
like how you guided me these years.
And I Shall.
It's not the matter of being scared.
It's not the matter of fear losing someone.
It's just the unjust feeling which lingers in my mind.
The pain which comes.
And it seemed,
something's gonna happen,
someday . . . .
How do i live without you
Yep finally!
The freedom we all yearned for.
I wonder if i did study hard for the exams this time?
I dunno.
This post might be lengthy,
this time with my words??
A string of activities awaiting. =)
Of course with that reward, i have to work for it.
My part-time job stays as usually.
And shall work another part-time job!
I need $$ for holiday trip!
And so straight after my last paper,
stayed over @ ann's place!
Mj and chats.
Despite ann need to work the next day,
she's quite steady.
Played mj with us till 3 plus.
then off to bed, while ange and me chatted?!
See ann's blog for more details.
She might complain you see.
Hmmm :X
Then the next day i was informed that the new computer desk will be here!
And i have this lil corner which i love!
Will decorate on!
I've got loads to do.
Especially tidying my closet.
You wouldn't wanna imagine.
And i'm gonna bring out the Hi-Fi set.
White elephant for now,
using up space.
My dad will wanna use the
speakers for the living room though.
The current one's spoilt!
Hee hee.
So more space?!
i really must set a date to fix that still.
If not i'll be procastinating!
Hopefully i've got another new closet.
The current one's pretty small
And for some lil wish i made out
1) New mp3 player - Mine spoilt!
2) New wardrope
3) $$ for Taiwan, Hk, Bangkok & Italy(Haha!) trip!
4) New phone - the current samsung can't have the sound and vibration at the same time la!
5) Pass my exams --> EXTREMELY impt!
Photobucket just got different somehow.
It just can't seem to shrink the the size i want!
So life's good.
Everything could go smoothly.
Ups and downs,
i just take it day by day as usual.
Being praised, or critisized, seemed like the normal issue.
Sadness it comes.
Happiness is what i got.
But . . .
What if one day, i shall be forgotten.
What if one day, i shall lose you.
What if one day, the next day i woke up,
you're not there.
What if one day, it happens like we're strangers.
And What If.
I was asked to hold on.
And if anything happens.
I shall be your memory.
I shall be the one who will trigger those thoughts.
I shall be the one who will guide you,
like how you guided me these years.
And I Shall.
It's not the matter of being scared.
It's not the matter of fear losing someone.
It's just the unjust feeling which lingers in my mind.
The pain which comes.
And it seemed,
something's gonna happen,
someday . . . .
How do i live without you
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