Samsung YP-Z5F

Once i got my $,
i decided to get this!
Procrastinated when i'm suppose to choose a player,
until B got this player for his sis,
n i saw it real!
Fell in love totably!
He wanted to let me have that player,
and i declined,
he already gave me something costly for
I shouldn't hesitate to accept that player too huh~
Any offers please inform me.
Can't wait!
No songs = No life.
Returning the current player to my B.
And to add to the list,
i wish to have a set of
Sounds weird and unlikely,
but that's something i would like to own!
B. offered to get me one we saw the other time.
Just something plain with some lil flower designs,
cost a few hungry bucks!
I declined.
Meant time i won't be using it,
until i realised that i wanted to own it!
But that would wait.
Or maybe,
please ask your Japanese girls to lend me eh!
I'm back home,
finally requested no to go back office in the mornz,
as i've work in the noon.
Freaking tired i say.
Last week i worked 9am to 9pm,
which drench my strength.
And i slept like 15 mins in the office?
I think i did mention that,
did i not?
Hah, nvm.
Had a small coy xmas lunch,
and exchange presents among ourselves.
Will post up what i gave soon!
Decided to post pics!
Sis still on tv lor!
Previously, as promised somehow . .
For the fun (i'm bored) part.
I think some of you would love this.
See i never posted my ZOOMED,
And to my horror,
i dug out my sec sch pics!
Yes, puke all you wan.
I still will post up how i look!
Not to show-off,
proud of what i've become.
Like to make it clear that
everyone goes through that period of being deemed,
well you know.
It just some memories.
So right now,
off the monitor screen like what my friend did.
Criticize, anything!

Have to put the very recent one!
So far i went,
See the nose,
i don't do make-ups on them
to make it better.
Eyes - I've got double eyelids now, if you've noticed
Smile - Looks brighter and wider!
All in that cost be alot you know.
Ask me where!
Kidding, it's the smile which cost me!
Indeed makeup does wonders too!
I think i look . . . !
I suspected some friends i saw on the road
do not recognize me already.
Bumped into 2 lor.
Somemore one gave me that
"you are familiar" look.
Am like the ghost which flew past them!
Nina knows.
Okay, now to catch,
Love Wreaked.Till then!
Xmas is around the corner.
Have fun this blessed Christmas,
and enjoy to the fullest peeps!