Love Me.Not.
Entire week was practically packed.
Events flowed in numerously.
Still, i loved the time spent!
Basically, due to having the A-Week-STM syndrome,
I totally forgot what i did on Monday to Wednesday.
It's like time just flashed passed that very day(s) of my life!
27th July, Thurs
Miraculously, i remembered how i spent my thurs!
Yep, went to ECP with my Wasabiz, again,
just part of them!
Some cycled, some bladed.
Sun was blazing skin deep.
And i was tanned half-toned.
Eww, so much for trying to maintain my normal skin-tone.
I get tanned easily you see, but the sad came as i can't get fair easily too!
Then bowled . . .
Went off with Ann to meet up Delp and Kelv.
Lil dinner chats and walked ard.
So that's for the night!
28th July, Friday
Class for the whole day.
Went off to Nina's place for a short game,
and a meetup as lq's flying for her holiday-trip the next day.
We've all been meeting each other like almost EVERYNIGHT
for this whole week.
Haha, and we joked we're sick of each others face.
And i'm shagged i must say.
29th July, Saturday
Went to meet up with mf's ex-superior with my EP teams mates,
as well as Ann and Justin.
Fruitful "lesson" i must say.
Coz he guided us on which direction we should head to.
Then off we went to discuss with our project and such,
as "spying on our competitors".
When left with mf, feline and myself,
we chill out somewhat at Coffee Bean
and a lil walk after that.
Meet up with Baby, Nina, and mund later that night for a short chat.
Class tml.
Hoefully not.
Till then.

Monday, July 31, 2006
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Please click on the above image to
get direct link.
It can also be found under the pile of my links
"Your Secrets"
So now, will it be your secrets then?
Thank you y'all!
Saturday, 22nd July
Practically stoning at home almost the whole day!
No one to be out with and such.
So i was really slacking ard the house which i seldom did on weekends.
Felt so wierd.
Telling the whole world am freaking bored.
Until finally,
lq called for a ktv at night!
I thought it's gonna be something for me,
till i received the nx call.
She told me Nina lost her bag!
And worst off, stolen!
This made me worry so much la.
Keep cursing the guy,
hoping nina's doing fine.
so after much pondering and such,
decided to go down near their place for a short chat,
and settled on Kbox @ Jurong East Entertainment Centre.
Expected at night to cost a bomb.
We can't get into Chevrons as baby is the only member among us,
and he was in camp!
But it was quite a worth it session,
and i don't mind paying tat sum
As long it did cheered dearest nina up ya!
So pics r limited though we took quite alot.
Becoz i look rather shagged in it!
And i was dressed super casually!
Monday, 24th July
It's always the beginning week of lesson,
wat they call Monday Blues.
Nevertheless, we're all as energetic as the greenery!
Wasabiz we were,
dressed in green!
Last sem was pink,
this sem would be our theme Wasabiz,
in green!
Great Day with them!
I would still think not enough pictures were taken eh!
And again, this is the second time i missed MAB!
Just can't get my ass off my bed.
Even with numerous calls,
am still lazy boned.
Was shocked when i saw the time 11.01am.
So again, i've to revise at home,
just like last week when i missed that lesson.
I've still have History of Management Thoughts (HMT)
to read up and prepare my assignment.
As well as Emplyment Relations (ER).
Not forgetting my Entrepreneaurship (EP) Business Plan!
Busy Busy...
And as always!
This is utter cute!!
Lovely day.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Was in friendster.
Saw Bulletin.
So i click and clicked the link there.
I was shocked.
Nope, not becoz of any news.
It's some practical joke you see.
It became me who also post the same bulletin!
Which i did not at all!
Some idiots programmed it somehow that we are the ones who posted that bulletin.
"Computer" has become one of the greatest invention to us mankind.
"Internet" has become a worldwide issue to our necessities and helped us in every ways.
"Programs" have becoming the forte simplicity to us.
When it all adds into one.
Yep, it aids us,
making everything so simplified.
Just when the warning signal sounds,
"Your computer has been infected with . . . "
Panicks, annoyance, irritation, everything you name,
starts weakening our soul.
Long hours to remove those irritants.
Which the worst comes where,
"format" is what we have to see.
Should we still then use it?
With technology now, everywhere is "Computerized".
And with "Computerized", workload is lesser,
but pressure level is higher as we expect more.
To cut it short,
just do not click on the link which "i"
posted the bulletin la k?!
Haha . . .
Life is more than just the non-perfect and peace.
It's a plain sheet of paper where you scribble your very own story.
Was in friendster.
Saw Bulletin.
So i click and clicked the link there.
I was shocked.
Nope, not becoz of any news.
It's some practical joke you see.
It became me who also post the same bulletin!
Which i did not at all!
Some idiots programmed it somehow that we are the ones who posted that bulletin.
"Computer" has become one of the greatest invention to us mankind.
"Internet" has become a worldwide issue to our necessities and helped us in every ways.
"Programs" have becoming the forte simplicity to us.
When it all adds into one.
Yep, it aids us,
making everything so simplified.
Just when the warning signal sounds,
"Your computer has been infected with . . . "
Panicks, annoyance, irritation, everything you name,
starts weakening our soul.
Long hours to remove those irritants.
Which the worst comes where,
"format" is what we have to see.
Should we still then use it?
With technology now, everywhere is "Computerized".
And with "Computerized", workload is lesser,
but pressure level is higher as we expect more.
To cut it short,
just do not click on the link which "i"
posted the bulletin la k?!
Haha . . .
Life is more than just the non-perfect and peace.
It's a plain sheet of paper where you scribble your very own story.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Weekends: The Enjoyable
Before i start off,
here are the pics as promised.
@ Mind Cafe
15th July, Sat
My buddies came over for a BBQ.
Just set outside my house.
Smokey it was,
luckily with some extention plugs,
ta da~!
A fan somehow emerge outside my house corridor.
And we all somehow BBQ-ed in front of the lift somehow.

Noticed that how come in some of our pics,
strands of our hair were like blowing in all directions?
Somehow initially wanted to surprise lq and jon.
Only lq noes we're surprising jon,
and jon noes we're surprise lq (i think, haha).
Who noes,
our plans were down the drain!
And the cute and funny was,
lq acted surprised!
Haha, i still rem her expression . . .
Than Mj-ed till 6am the nx day.
Super shagged all of us.
3plus in the noon received a call from lq.
And went ahead with our initial plan.
'Secretly' huh! =pP
And again, Mj-ed.
We all just wanna be the "God-of-the" next Mj-Generation in
our family la.
Meet baby this noon after class.
Sent Baby back home after getting his stuff at Jp.
He got me LJS.
Sweet of him!
He even remembered he promised that he'll get me.
That was ages ago!
Tee Hee.
Tired, still . . .
Before i start off,
here are the pics as promised.
@ Mind Cafe
15th July, Sat
My buddies came over for a BBQ.
Just set outside my house.
Smokey it was,
luckily with some extention plugs,
ta da~!
A fan somehow emerge outside my house corridor.
And we all somehow BBQ-ed in front of the lift somehow.
Noticed that how come in some of our pics,
strands of our hair were like blowing in all directions?
Somehow initially wanted to surprise lq and jon.
Only lq noes we're surprising jon,
and jon noes we're surprise lq (i think, haha).
Who noes,
our plans were down the drain!
And the cute and funny was,
lq acted surprised!
Haha, i still rem her expression . . .
Than Mj-ed till 6am the nx day.
Super shagged all of us.
3plus in the noon received a call from lq.
And went ahead with our initial plan.
'Secretly' huh! =pP
And again, Mj-ed.
We all just wanna be the "God-of-the" next Mj-Generation in
our family la.
Meet baby this noon after class.
Sent Baby back home after getting his stuff at Jp.
He got me LJS.
Sweet of him!
He even remembered he promised that he'll get me.
That was ages ago!
Tee Hee.
Tired, still . . .
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Before i start!
Yep, got da pics of Neway,
an advanced celbration for Shan's birthday.
I rem, 2 months ago,
she was saying time would fly fast.
And yep,
in a blink, it's her Birthday already!
Meet up with e Buddies for dinner.
A small celebration for ps.
Had dinner @ Mind Cafe.
Food was ok.
Interesting was,
we could play board games and stuff!
(Which of course we have to pay)
We switch from one game to another.
Just couldn't settle on one!
And eventually,
as usual,
heart attach is our forte!
Followed by
(which i do not know the real name of the game :x )
"Call Names".
Where we used each others name within the group,
and if the cards shown in front of us
screen the same number and such,
we have to call out the names which we are "using".
After tat,
settled on Telepath.
Which is vey interesting as well.
Paired up with Zy,
beginning we do not have
tat kind of "Mo Qi".
But as we go along,
we pick up on the game!
Slow and Steady~!
As usual pictures will be screen soon k?
Be patient la!
Enjoyable night it was.
Most importantly is the company.
I love them lots!
And of course
am trying to test out my camera
and improve my photoshop skills la!
Before i start!
Happy Belated Birthday Shan!
Someone whom always be there for us,
care for us,
did lil things for us.
Laughters together,
love we shared.
Time spent are worthwhile.
And she tweaks a lil smile on our face,
She is non other then our buddy, Peishan.
May ya stay as pretty, hot,
sweet, & blissful!
Love ya!
care for us,
did lil things for us.
Laughters together,
love we shared.
Time spent are worthwhile.
And she tweaks a lil smile on our face,
She is non other then our buddy, Peishan.
May ya stay as pretty, hot,
sweet, & blissful!
Love ya!
Yep, got da pics of Neway,
an advanced celbration for Shan's birthday.
I rem, 2 months ago,
she was saying time would fly fast.
And yep,
in a blink, it's her Birthday already!
Meet up with e Buddies for dinner.
A small celebration for ps.
Had dinner @ Mind Cafe.
Food was ok.
Interesting was,
we could play board games and stuff!
(Which of course we have to pay)
We switch from one game to another.
Just couldn't settle on one!
And eventually,
as usual,
heart attach is our forte!
Followed by
(which i do not know the real name of the game :x )
"Call Names".
Where we used each others name within the group,
and if the cards shown in front of us
screen the same number and such,
we have to call out the names which we are "using".
After tat,
settled on Telepath.
Which is vey interesting as well.
Paired up with Zy,
beginning we do not have
tat kind of "Mo Qi".
But as we go along,
we pick up on the game!
Slow and Steady~!
As usual pictures will be screen soon k?
Be patient la!
Enjoyable night it was.
Most importantly is the company.
I love them lots!
And of course
am trying to test out my camera
and improve my photoshop skills la!
Monday, July 10, 2006
Happy is e word!
Yep, coz i was rathering enjoy the week,
though sch term starts!
Sad to say my appeal failed,
and they like asked me to apply for Special Consideration.
I was like -.-?
Okay, fine,
watever. .
And so,
briefly . . . . .
3rd July (I Think)
Celebrated Dayu's belated bdae @ NYDC.
Was late, i had them to go ahead with dinner and celebration.
So no pics! :x
After tat headed to Balcony to chill.
5th July
K Box @ Marina Square.
And all of us,
were kinda off!
Just not like us at all!
Had dinner @ LJS,
walked a lil,
went home then.
8th July
Last Sat, went to Neway KTV @ City Square,
An advanced celebration for ps!
And before we started singing,
and while waiting for the rest,
we had a 'miniature' lunch (haha),
french toast i ordered.
It was special!
Shopped a lil,
and once again,
am a happy girl,
purchased 3 tops.
Hah, this shows how empty my pockets gonna be!
Then with our KTV started in the evening,
affordable rates,
new songs they have,
and best of all,
FREE Buffet huh!
And all of us,
with the passion of eating,
of course not greedily snatching for the food.
Mind you,
we're well mannered k?
Hahaha! =p
We were rather hungry,
and got alot of good food in!
Worth it yeah!!
Then a lil surprised cake for ps,
with both came one after another.
She was rather shocked i think.
Her Sweetie indeed kinda made her lil wish come true yeah?
We did enjoy our time in there,
Especially ps!
Hee, Happy Advance Birthday!
May ya stay as pretty and babelicious!
Then Wende send some of them back to SG,
while ps, joe, B, and myself took the public transport.
In fact we were faster as the jam was horrendous at e custom!
And of course, our fave part time,
MJ! =)
Pic to be updated as soon
9th July
i have decided.
Brought Delphine for rebonding,
and eventually,
i had it too!
$$$$ (with wings)
Delp was rather stone in there,
and girl,
apologies if they kinda meddle with ya hair
rather hard?
Hahaha :x
Mine output.
(Forgive me! It's 10 days since i did this! :x )
Kinda miss my old hair!
Am back to sch girl,
Saw this beautiful one ard!
(Kinda) Woke up late this morning,
for morning lesson!
If not for B's call,
i would have slept till maybe noon?
And he even claimed that he has 6 sense?!
Plz understand that it rained this morning (excuses!).
Once again,
morning class again tml!
Have to buck up on this!
I have so many things to be done!
And a beetle just flew into my room!
It's always e case ONLY my room had beetles or some fly flew in!
Tat's just becoz my room is facing a park,
it makes no excuses for them to come in my room!
Please stay in your own habitat,
where i could stay in mind peacefully!
Sprayed it with insecticide.
BUT, imagine it decomposes in there!
Double yucks,
when i'm sleeping in this room!
And once again,
not to preach but,
Forgiveness is the soul to one's heart.
Yep, coz i was rathering enjoy the week,
though sch term starts!
Sad to say my appeal failed,
and they like asked me to apply for Special Consideration.
I was like -.-?
Okay, fine,
watever. .
And so,
briefly . . . . .
3rd July (I Think)
Celebrated Dayu's belated bdae @ NYDC.
Was late, i had them to go ahead with dinner and celebration.
So no pics! :x
After tat headed to Balcony to chill.
5th July
K Box @ Marina Square.
And all of us,
were kinda off!
Just not like us at all!
Had dinner @ LJS,
walked a lil,
went home then.
8th July
Last Sat, went to Neway KTV @ City Square,
An advanced celebration for ps!
And before we started singing,
and while waiting for the rest,
we had a 'miniature' lunch (haha),
french toast i ordered.
It was special!
Shopped a lil,
and once again,
am a happy girl,
purchased 3 tops.
Hah, this shows how empty my pockets gonna be!
Then with our KTV started in the evening,
affordable rates,
new songs they have,
and best of all,
FREE Buffet huh!
And all of us,
with the passion of eating,
of course not greedily snatching for the food.
Mind you,
we're well mannered k?
Hahaha! =p
We were rather hungry,
and got alot of good food in!
Worth it yeah!!
Then a lil surprised cake for ps,
with both came one after another.
She was rather shocked i think.
Her Sweetie indeed kinda made her lil wish come true yeah?
We did enjoy our time in there,
Especially ps!
Hee, Happy Advance Birthday!
May ya stay as pretty and babelicious!
Then Wende send some of them back to SG,
while ps, joe, B, and myself took the public transport.
In fact we were faster as the jam was horrendous at e custom!
And of course, our fave part time,
MJ! =)
Pic to be updated as soon
9th July
i have decided.
Brought Delphine for rebonding,
and eventually,
i had it too!
$$$$ (with wings)
Delp was rather stone in there,
and girl,
apologies if they kinda meddle with ya hair
rather hard?
Hahaha :x
Mine output.
(Forgive me! It's 10 days since i did this! :x )
Kinda miss my old hair!
Am back to sch girl,
Saw this beautiful one ard!
(Kinda) Woke up late this morning,
for morning lesson!
If not for B's call,
i would have slept till maybe noon?
And he even claimed that he has 6 sense?!
Plz understand that it rained this morning (excuses!).
Once again,
morning class again tml!
Have to buck up on this!
I have so many things to be done!
And a beetle just flew into my room!
It's always e case ONLY my room had beetles or some fly flew in!
Tat's just becoz my room is facing a park,
it makes no excuses for them to come in my room!
Please stay in your own habitat,
where i could stay in mind peacefully!
Sprayed it with insecticide.
BUT, imagine it decomposes in there!
Double yucks,
when i'm sleeping in this room!
And once again,
not to preach but,
Forgiveness is the soul to one's heart.
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