20th Marchpretty lazy to type. kept it short.b4 going to office.
went fer early dinner at cafe cartel with da girls.
- phototakings -
after tat headed down fer a quiz.
pretty bad..
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then went fer a drink in chinatown @ mac.
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in the office! haaha..
more to come in the nx post!
21st MarchHappy 4 Yrs and 9mths anni baby.
and i noe we had a short bicker 2day.
but must at least show who's BOSS once in a while okay!!!
wahahaha.. *hugs*
after class headed to bugis with lydia and shan.
and i noe am a baddie 2day!
tell me bout it lydia and shan!! lol..
becoz i bought something somewhere and e nets processing didn't cross.
until am out of e shop then i saw e receipt!
yet i didn't go back in la..
maybe silly to say am shy.
but sometimes ppl indeed need a lesson learnt!
yeahh say am bad.
say just a 7 bucks plus i also wanna be greedy about.
- although i can honestly admit am almost broke la. but still able to support.
sometimes lesson needed to be learnt.
excuses!! am such a bitch i noe! wahaha..alright let me be bad fer once ok!
(okayy no more this rubbish nx time)
speaking of which.
this auntie @ bugis village.
i really need to be cautious e nx visit.
dun ever patronise her stall UNLESS
you decided to buy her things!
selling specs and fashionable trendy eye wear (okay la, it's spectacles infact!).
stall located at the 1st few shops of the entrance.
and yeah, 3 of us stood in trying on
those oh-yeah-so 'fashionable-trendy' spectacles.
and i had e intention to get coz mine's spoilt.
didn't fancy any. so stepped out.
this auntie, she shouted pretty loud eh,
"bu yao mai arh! kan kan er yi arh!"
(not buying? just looking ard?)
in such an irritating tone, which really can make one pissed off.
indeed we're kinda pissed off (congratss, sucessfully done!),
not embarassed.
and lydia(daring!) turned back
and said something like this in a normal tone (correct me if am wrg!)
from quite a distance,
"yao mai ye shi yao kan mah"
(wanna buy also hafta look ard).
being pissed,
wanted to add more, but 4get it.
BUT AGAIN, still shouting like a mad lady.
hello please bark somewhere. super irritating.
at least have some proper CS,
maybe better products,
and it'll stand a higher chances of me buying alright!
pretty annoying man..
the ppl at ICON r much better.
and i noe, being in e CS line fer like almost 3 years (on and off).
i noe how it feels to serve a customer.
not an easy job at all!
well, tat doesn't stuck me up long..
there's this uncle, prolly a 60+,
wheelchaired, played e harmonica.
and everytime i passed by him,
my heart simply goes out to him.
since then,
i nv failed to give a helping hand everytime i passed by him.
even a buck or 2,
though small sum.
whoever donated,
he nv failed to smile at them,
and word of thanks,
with blessings of life.
my heart kinda sank,
and i smiled back.
sometimes i wonder,
why life is so unfair.
yet there r ppl with really good lifes,
still don't appreciate.
life's short.
i guess tat's tat.
the true ups and downs,
sweets, bitters, and sours.
becoz happiness don't come,
covered by despondency.
but with preserverence and hope,
motivations and care from the ppl whom you love,
e gleam which lights up a lil part of our life,
in turn soon will light up every part. - Sunrise, which gradually forms the day.
i might sound philosophic bout life.
i just believe there's a lil glint of happiness in everyone.
i'm still learning to live my life to the fullest,
becoz i could be wasting about 21 years of my being!
never think yourself as e worst,
becoz out there, there r much more others going even worst!
living in the positive could gradually pull you up.
and yep, we're pretty lucky having to be here!
cheers to our life,
though life may suck!
hah! &
on another note,
realised the way i typed changes...
i was once like this, and love doing this..

until he walks in my life, laughter grows :)
but fer this period,

pretty lengthy i see,
and did i say am kinda lazy to type?